† indicates that the authors have contributed equality to the manuscript
* Indicates graduate student or postdoc at the time the research was completed
** Indicates undergraduate student at the time the research was completed
† indicates that the authors have contributed equality to the manuscript
* Indicates graduate student or postdoc at the time the research was completed
** Indicates undergraduate student at the time the research was completed
Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
Director: Jocelyn J. Bélanger
Violent Extremism & Environmental Sustainability Lab

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Summary: 105 publications including one book
Metrics (Google Scholar): 5987 citations, h-index = 34, i-10-index = 68
† indicates that the authors have contributed equality to the manuscript
* Indicates graduate student or postdoc at the time the research was completed
** Indicates undergraduate student at the time the research was completed
Nisa, C.F., Yan, X., Chakraborty, B.., Leander, N.P., & Bélanger, J.J. (2023). COVID-19 may have increased global support for universal health coverage: Multicountry observational study. Frontiers in Public Health.
Zaki, Y., Ibrahim, H., Liu, F., Asim, R. Battu, B., Benabderrahmane, S., Alhafni, B., Adnan, W., Alhanai, T., AlShebli, B., Baghdadi, R., Bélanger, J.J., …Rahwan, T. (2023). Perception, performance, and detectability of conversational artificial intelligence across 32 university courses. Scientific Reports.
Vallerand, R.J., Chichekian, T., Verner-Filion, J., & Bélanger, J.J. (2023). The Two Faces of Persistence: How Harmonious and Obsessive Passion Shape Goal Pursuit. Motivation Science.
Douglas, K.M., Sutton, R.M., Stroebe, W., Kreienkamp, J., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., PsyCorona Collaboration, Leander, N.P. (2023). Identifying important individual and country-level predictors of conspiracy theorizing: A machine learning analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology.​
Bélanger, J.J., Snook, D., Dzitac, D., Cheppih, A. (2023). Challenging Extremism: A Randomized Control Trial Examining the Impact of Counternarratives in the Middle East and North Africa. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.
Lewis, J., Marsden, S., Cherney, A., Zeuthen, M., Bélanger, J.J., Zubareva, A., Brandsch, J., Lubrano, M. (2023). PROTOCOL: Case management interventions seeking to counter radicalisation to violence: A systematic review of tools and approaches. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19, 1.
​Westgate, E.C., Buttrick, N.R., Lin, Y., El Helou, G., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., & PsyCorona Collaboration, Leander, N.P. (2023). Pandemic boredom: Little evidence that lockdown-related boredom affected risky public health behaviors across 116 countries. Emotion.
Koehler, D., Clubb, G., Bélanger, J.J., Becker, M.H., Williams, M.J. (2023). Don’t kill the messenger: Perceived credibility of far-right former extremists and police officers in P/CVE communication. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.
Snook, D.W., Bélanger, J.J., Abu-Ali, H., Khadeeja, M. (2023). When Rock Bottom Rocks Your World: Crisis of Belief as a Catalyst for Change. Social and Personality Psychology Compass.
Ibanescu, B.C., Gheorghiu, A., Cristea, M., Pascariu, G.C., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., PsyCorona Collaboration, & Leander, P. (2023). The Evolution of Job Insecurity in Spatial Contexts In Europe during COVID-19 Pandemic. International Regional Science Review.
Han, Q., Bang, Z., Leander, P., Agostini, M., Gützkow, B., Kreienkamp, J., Kutlaca, M., Lemay, E., Stroebe, W., vanDellen, M., PsyCorona Collaboration, & Bélanger, J.J. (2022). Impact of National Pandemic Lockdowns on Perceived Threat of Immigrants: A Natural Quasi-Experiment across 23 Countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Reitsema, A.M., Jeronimus, B.F., Bos, E. H.J., de Jonge, P., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., & PsyCorona Collaboration (in press). Age group differences in hedonic adaptation to societal restrictions in 33 nations: Positive and negative affect trajectories during the first wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. Emotion.
​​​Moyano, M., Bélanger, J.J., Lobato, R., & Trujillo, H.M. (2022). Processes of jihadist radicalization in urban environments: The case of El Puche. Pragmatics & Society.
Bélanger, J.J., Adam-Troian, J., *Nisa, C.F., & Schumpe, B.M. (2022). Ideological Passion and Radical Activism: The Moderating Role of the Significance Quest. British Journal of Psychology.
Van Lissa, C., Stroebe, W. vanDellen, M., Leander, P., PsyCorona, & Bélanger, J. J. (2022). Using Machine Learning to Identify Important Predictors of COVID-19 Infection Prevention Behaviors. Patterns.
Keng, S-L., Stanton, M.V., Haskins, L.B., Almenara, C.A., Ickovics, J., Jones,A. Grigsby-Toussaint, D., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., & PsyCorona Collaboration (2022). COVID-19 Stressors and Health Behaviors: A Multilevel Longitudinal Study across 86 Countries. Preventive Medicine Reports.​​
*Nisa, C.F., Bélanger, J.J., & *Schumpe B.M. (2022). Assessing the effectiveness of food waste messaging. Environmental Science and Policy.
Keng, S-L., Stanton, M.V., Haskins, L.B., Almenara, C.A., Ickovics, J., Jones,A. Grigsby-Toussaint, D., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J. J. & PsyCorona Collaboration (2022). COVID-19 Stressors and Health Behaviors: A Multilevel Longitudinal Study across 86 Countries. Preventive Medicine Reports.
Mula, S., Di Santo, D., Resta, E., Bakhtiari, F., Baldner, C., Molinario, E., Pierro, A., Gelfand, M.J., Denison, E., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J, PsyCorona Collaboration & Leander, N.P. (2022) . Concern with COVID-19 Pandemic Threat and Attitudes Towards Immigrants: The Mediating Effect of the Desire for Tightness. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.
*Schumpe, B.M., van Lissa, C., Bélanger, J.J., *Nisa, C.F., PsyCorona Collaboration, & Leander, N.P. (2022). Predictors of Adherence to Public Health Behaviors for Fighting COVID-19 Derived from Longitudinal Data. Scientific Reports.
Enea, V., Eisenbeck, N., Carreño, D.F., Douglas, K.M., Sutton, R.M., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., & PsyCorona Collaboration (2022). Intentions to be vaccinated against COVID-19: The role of prosociality and conspiracy beliefs across 20 countries. Health Communication.
Bélanger, J. J., Adam-Troian, J., **Quimpo, N., **Al Kindi, Y., **Gajić, M., *Nisa, C.F. (2022). The Dark Tetrad Personality Traits Moderate the Relationship between Ideological Passion and Violent Activism. Psychology of Violence.
Lucas, T., Manning, M., Strelan, P., Kopetz, C., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., & PsyCorona Collaboration (in press). Justice Beliefs and Cultural Values Predict Support for COVID-19 Vaccination and Quarantine Behavioral Mandates: A Multilevel Cross-National Study. Translational Behavioral Medicine.
Resta, E., Mula, S., Baldner, C., Di Santo, D., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., & PsyCorona Collaboration (in press). “We're All in the Same Boat": How Societal Discontent Affects Helping Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology.
Lemay Jr., E.P., Kruglanski A.W., Molinario, E., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., PsyCorona Collaboration, & Leander, P. (in press). The Role of Values in Coping with Health and Economic Threats of COVID-19. The Journal of Social Psychology.
Stroebe, W., vanDellen, M., Abakoumkin, G., Lemay Jr., E.P., Schiavone, W., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., PsyCorona Collaboration, Leander, P. (2021). Politicization of COVID-19 Health-Protective Behaviors in thse United States: Longitudinal and Cross-National Evidence. PLOS ONE.
*Schumpe, B. M., Bélanger, J. J., *Nisa, C.F., & Pierro, A. (2021). Diversity can Lead to Closed- or Open-Mindedness: On the Role of Need for Cognitive Closure in Explaining Mixed Diversity Findings. Current Psychology.
*Nisa, C.F., Bélanger, J.J., *Schumpe, B.M., Sasin, E. (2021). Secure human attachment can promote support for climate change mitigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
van Breen, J.A, Kutlaca, M., Koç, Y., Jeronimus, B.F., Reitsema, A-M., Jovanovic, V., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., PsyCorona Collaboration, & Leander, P. (2021). Lockdown Lives: Inter-relationships amongst feelings of loneliness, social contacts and solidarity during the COVID-19 lockdown. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Bélanger, J.J., Collier, K.E., *Nisa, C.F., & *Schumpe, B. M. (2021). Crimes of Passion: When Romantic Obsession Leads to Abusive Relationships. Journal of Personality.
*Nisa, C.F., Bélanger, J.J., Faller, D.G., Mierau, J.O., Buttrick, N.R., Austin, M., *Schumpe, B.M., Sasin, E.M., Agostini, M., Gützkow, B., & Kreienkamp, J., PsyCorona Collaboration, Leander, N.P. (2021). Lives versus Livelihoods? Perceived economic risk has a stronger association with support for COVID-19 preventive measures than perceived health risk. Scientific Reports.
Han, Q., Zheng, B., Cristea, M., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., PsyCorona Collaboration & Leander, N.P. (2021). Trust in government and its associations with health behaviour and prosocial behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Medicine.
Han, Q., Zheng, B., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., Gutzkow, B., Kreienkamp, J., Reitsema, A.M., van Breen, J.A., PsyCorona Collaboration & Leander, N.P. (2021). Associations of risk perception of COVID-19 with emotion and mental health during the pandemic. Journal of Affective Disorders.
†Gómez, Á., †Bélanger, J.J., Chinchilla, J., Vázquez, A. *Schumpe, B. M., *Nisa, C.F., & Chiclana, S. (2021). Admiration for Islamist groups encourages self-sacrifice through identity fusion. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
Castaño, Á., Bélanger, J.J., Moyano, M. (2021). Cult Conversion from the Perspective of Families: Implications for Prevention and Psychosocial Intervention. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
Bélanger, J.J. (2021). The Sociocognitive Processes of Ideological Obsession: Review and Policy Implications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
Romano, A., Spadaro, G., Joireman, J., Jin, S., Van Lissa, C., Balliet, D., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., Gutzkow, B., & Kreienkamp, J. & PsyCorona Collaboration (2021). Cooperation and Trust Across Societies During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Leander, N.P., Lemay Jr., E.P., Jeronimus, B.F., Keller, A.C., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., & PsyCorona Collaboration (2020). Towards a Globally Collaborative Behavioral Science: An Organizational Approach from Pandemic Psychology. International Journal of Behavioral Development.
Jin, S., Balliet, D., Romano, A., Spadaro, G., van Lissa, C.J., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., Gützkow, B., Kreienkamp, J., PsyCorona Collaboration, & Leander, N.P. (2020). Intergenerational Conflicts of Interest and Prosocial Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences.
Richardson, L., Bélanger, J.J. (2020). COVID-19 Knowledge Test: An Assessment Tool for Health Educators During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health.
Lobato, R., Moyano, M., Bélanger, J.J., & Trujillo, H.M. (2020). The role of vulnerable environments in support for homegrown terrorism: Fieldwork using the 3N model. Aggressive Behavior.
*Nisa, C.F., Sasin, E.M., *Schumpe, B.M., Faller, D.G., & Bélanger, J.J. (2020). Reply to “Alternative estimation of meta-analysis of behavioural interventions to promote household action on climate change yields different conclusions.” Nature Communications.
*Nisa, C.F., Bélanger, J.J., & *Schumpe, B.M. (2020). On Solid Ground: Interpersonal Attachment Promotes Place Attachment. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Bélanger, J.J., *Schumpe, B.M., *Nisa, C.F., & Moyano, M. (2020). When Counter-Messaging Backfires: The Role of Obsessive Passion in Psychological Reactance. Motivation Science.
Bélanger, J.J., Robbins, B.G., Muhammad, H., Moyano, M., *Nisa, C.F., & *Schumpe, B.M., Blaya, M. (2020). Supporting Political Violence: The Role of Ideological Passion and Social Network. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
†Bélanger, J.J., **†Raafat, K.A., *Nisa, C.F., & *Schumpe, B.M. (2020). Passion for an activity: A new predictor of sleep quality. Sleep.
Bélanger, J.J., *Nisa, C.F., *Schumpe, B.M., **Gurmu, T., Williams, M.J., & Putra, I.E. (2020). Do Counter-Narratives Reduce Support for ISIS? Yes, but Not for Their Target Audience. Frontiers in Psychology.
*Schumpe, B.M., Bélanger, J.J., & *Nisa, C.F. (2020). The Reactance Decoy Effect: How Including an Appeal Before a Target Message Increases Persuasion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
*Nisa, C.F., Bélanger, J.J., *Schumpe, B.M., & Faller, D.G. (2020). Reply to “A reexamination on how behavioral interventions can promote household action to limit climate change.” Nature Communications.
Williams, M.J., Horgan, J., Evans, W., & Bélanger, J.J. (2020). Expansion and replication of the theory of vicarious help-seeking. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression.
*Nisa, C.F., Bélanger, J.J., *Schumpe, B.M., & Faller, D.G. (2019). Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials Testing Behavioural Interventions to Promote Household Action on Climate Change. Nature Communications.
Bélanger, J.J., *Schumpe, B.M., *Nociti, N., Moyano, M., Dandeneau, S., *Chamberland, P-E., & Vallerand, R.J. (2019). Passion and Moral Disengagement: Different Pathways to Political Activism. Journal of Personality.
Bélanger, J.J., *Schumpe, B.M., & *Nisa, C.F. (2019). How Passionate Individuals Regulate Their Activity with Other Life Domains: A Goal-Systemic Perspective. Journal of Personality.
Bélanger, J.J., Moyano, M., Muhammad, H., Richardson, L., Lafrenière, M-A.K., McCaffery, P., Framand, K., & *Nociti, N (2019). Radicalization Leading to Violence: A Test of the 3N Model. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
Bélanger, J.J., Kruglanski, A.W., & Kessels, U. (2019). On Sin and Sacrifice: How Intrinsic Religiosity and Sexual-Guilt Create Support for Martyrdom. Psychological Research on Urban Society.
Bélanger, J.J., *Nisa, C.F., *Schumpe, B.M., & *Chamberland, P-E. (2019). Using Implementation Intentions to Change Passion: The Role of Environmental Mastery and Basic Psychological Needs. Motivation Science.
Williams, M. J., Bélanger, J.J., Horgan, J., & Evans, W. (2019). Experimental Effects of a Call-Center Disclaimer Regarding Confidentiality on Caller’s Willingness to Make Disclosures Related to Terrorism. Terrorism and Political Violence.
Kruglanski, A.W., Bélanger, J.J., Gunaratna, R. (2019). The Three Pillars of Radicalization: Needs, Narratives, and Networks. New York: Oxford University Press.
*Nisa, C.F., Bélanger, J.J., & *Schumpe, B.M. (2018). Parts Greater than their Sum: Randomized Controlled Trial Testing Partitioned Incentives to Increase Cancer Screening. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Verner-Filion, J., Schellenberg, B.J.I., Rapaport, M., Bélanger, J.J., & Vallerand, R. J. (2018). "The Thrill of Victory... and the Agony of Defeat": The Role of Passion and Success and Failure in Positive and Negative Emotions. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
*Schumpe, B.M., Bélanger, J.J., Moyano, M., & *Nisa, C.F. (2018). The Role of Sensation Seeking in Political Violence: An Extension of the Significance Quest Theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
*Schumpe, B.M., Bélanger, J.J., Giacomantonio, M., *Nisa, C.F., & Brizi, A. (2018). Weapons of Peace: Providing Alternative Means for Social Change Reduces Political Violence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
*Schumpe, B.M., Bélanger, J.J., Dugas, M., Erb, H-P., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2018). Counterfinality: On the increased perceived instrumentality of a means to a goal. Frontiers in Psychology.
Kruglanski, A. W., Fishbach, A., Woolley, K., Bélanger, J.J., Chernikova, M., Molinario, E., & Pierro, A. (2018). A Structural Model of Intrinsic Motivation: On the Psychology of Means-Ends Fusion. Psychological Review.
Webber, D., Babush, M., Schori-Eyal, N., Moyano, M., Hettiarachchi, M., Bélanger, J.J., Vazeou-Nieuwenhuis, A., Gunaratna, R., Kruglanski, A.W., & Gelfand, M.J. (2018). The Road to Extremism: How Significance-Loss-Based Uncertainty Fosters Radicalization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Webber, D., Chernikova, M., Kruglanski, A.W., Gelfand, M.J., Hettiarachchi, M., Gunaratna, R., Lafrenière, M-A.K., & Bélanger, J.J. (2017). Deradicalizing Detained Terrorists. Political Psychology.
Mannetti, L., Brizi, A., & Bélanger, J.J. & Bufalari, I. (2016). All we need is the Candidate's face: The irrelevance of information about political coalition affiliation and campaign promises. Cogent Psychology.
McCaffery, P., Richardson, L., & Bélanger, J.J. (2016). Classification and Collection of Terrorism Incident Data in Canada. Perspectives on Terrorism.
Bélanger, J.J., *Schumpe, B., Lafrenière, M-A.K., Giacomantonio, M., Brizi, A., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2016). Beyond goal-commitment: How Expectancy Shapes Means Evaluation. Motivation Science.
Dugas, M., Bélanger, J.J., Moyano, M., *Schumpe, B., Kruglanski, A.W., Gelfand, M.J., Touchton-Leonard, K., & Nociti, N. (2016). The Quest for Significance Motivates Self-Sacrifice. Motivation Science.
Amato, C., Baron, R., Barbieri, B., Bélanger, J.J., & Pierro, A. (2016). Regulatory Modes and Entrepreneurship: The Mediational Role of Alterness in Small Business Success. Journal of Small Business Management.
Bélanger, J.J., Pierro, A. Barbieri, B, De Carlo, N. Falco, A., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2016). One Size Doesn’t Fit All: The Influence of Supervisors’ Power Tactics and Subordinates’ Need for Cognitive Closure on Burnout and Stress. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Pica, G., Bélanger, J.J., Pantaleo, G., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2015). Prejudice in Person Memory: Self-Threat Biases Memories of Stigmatized Group Members. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Bélanger, J.J., Pierro, A., Mauro, R., Falco, A., De Carlo, N. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2015). It’s About Time: The Role of Locomotion in Withdrawal Behavior. Journal of Business and Psychology.
Bélanger, J.J., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2015).Social Power Tactics and Subordinates' Compliance at Work: The Role of Need for Cognitive Closure. European Review of Applied Psychology.
Bélanger, J.J., Schori, N., Pica, G., Kruglanski, A. W., & Lafrenière, M-A.K., (2015). The "More is Less" Effect in Equifinal Structures: Alternative Means Reduce the Intensity and Quality of Motivation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Lucidi, F., Pica, G., Mallia, L., Castrucci, E., Manganelli, S., Bélanger, J.J., & Pierro, A. (2015). Running away from Stress: How Regulatory Modes prospectively affect Athletes' Stress through Passion. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.
Bélanger, J.J., Kruglanski, A. W., Chen, X., Orehek, E., & Johnson, D.J. (2015). When Mona Lisa Smiled and Love was in the Air: On the Cognitive Energetics of Motivated Judgments. Social Cognition.
Bélanger, J.J., Pierro, A., Barbieri, B., De Carlo, N., Falco, A., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2015). Handling Conflict at Work : The Role of Fit Between Subordinates’ Need for Closure and Supervisors’ Power Tactics. International Journal of Conflict Management.
Bélanger, J. J., Pierro, A, Kruglanski, A. W., Vallerand, R. J., De Carlo, N., & Falco, A. (2015). On Feeling Good at Work: The Role of Regulatory Mode and Passion in Psychological Adjustment. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45, 319-329.
Bélanger, J.J., Kruglanski, A. W., Chen, X., & Orehek, E. (2014). Bending Perception to Desire: Effects of Task Demands, Motivation, and Cognitive Resources. Motivation and Emotion.
Bélanger, J.J., Caouette, J., Sharvit, K., & Dugas, M.(2014). The Psychology of Martyrdom : Making the Ultimate Sacrifice in the Name of a Cause. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Pica, G., Pierro, A., Bélanger, J.J., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2014). The Role of Need for Cognitive Closure in Retrieval-induced Forgetting and Misinformation Effects in Eyewitness Memory. Social Cognition, 32, 337-359.
Kruglanski, A. W., Gelfand, M. J., Bélanger, J.J., Sheveland, A., Hettiarachchi, M., & Gunaratna, R. (2014). The Psychology of Radicalization and Deradicalization: How Significance Quest Impacts Violent Extremism. Political Psychology, 35, 69-93.
Pierro, A., Raven, B. H., Amato, C., & Bélanger, J.J. (2013). Bases of Social Power, Leadership Styles, and Organizational Commitment. International Journal of Psychology.
Pica, G., Pierro, A., Bélanger, J.J., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2013). The Motivational Dynamics of Retrieval-Induced Forgetting: A Test of Cognitive Energetics Theory. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Kruglanski, A. W., Bélanger, J.J., Gelfand, M., Gunaratna, R., Hettiarachchi, M., Reinares, F., Orehek., E., Sasota, J., & Sharvit, K. (2013). Terrorism: A (Self) Love Story Re-directing the Significance Quest Can End Violence. American Psychologist.
Bélanger, J.J., Faber, T., & Gelfand, M. (2013). Supersize My Identity: When Thoughts of Contracting Swine Flu Boost One's Patriotic Identity. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Kruglanski, A.W., Köpetz, C., Bélanger, J.J., Chun, W. Y., Orehek, E., & Fishbach, A. (2013). Features of Multifinality: Effects of Goal Plurality on Means Preferences. Personality and Social Psychology Review.
Bélanger, J.J., Lafrenière, M-A. K., Vallerand R. J., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2013). When Passion Makes the Heart Grow Colder: The Role of Passion in Alternative Goal-Suppression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Bélanger, J.J., Lafrenière, M-A. K., Vallerand, R. J., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2013). Driven by Fear: The Effect of Success and Failure Information on Passionate Individuals’ Performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Mange, J., Chun, W. Y., Sharvit, K., & Bélanger, J.J. (2012). Thinking about Arabs and Muslims Makes Americans Shoot Faster: Effects of Category Accessibility on Aggressive Responses in a Shooter Paradigm. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Kruglanski, A. W., Bélanger, J.J., Chen, X., Köpetz, C., Pierro, A., & Mannetti, L. (2012). The Energetics of Motivated Cognition: A Force-Field Analysis. Psychological Review, 119, 1-20.
Lafrenière, M-A. K., Bélanger, J.J., Sedikides, C., & Vallerand R. J. (2011). Self-Esteem and Passion for Activities. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 541-544.
*Schumpe, B.M., Bélanger, J.J., & *Nisa, C.F. (in press). Providing alternative means to change attitudes and behaviours. In R. A. R. Gurung (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World. London, UK: Routledge.
*Schumpe, B. M., Bélanger, J.J., *Nisa, C. F. & Moyano, M. (2021). On the role of sensation seeking in political violence. In F. Atamuradova & S. Zeiger (Eds.), Researching the evolution of countering violent extremism (pp. 187-196). Hedayah Handbook on Countering Violent Extremism.
McCaffery, P., Richardson, L., Bélanger, J.J. (2018). Sexual Assault Response and Investigations for Police. Manual for Sexual Assault Investigations. Public Safety Canada.
Bélanger, J.J., *Schumpe, B. M., **Menon, B., **Conde, J., *Nociti, N. (2018). Self-Sacrifice for a Cause: A Review and an Integrative Model. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences.
Bélanger, J.J. (2017). The Rise and Fall of Violent Extremism: The Science Behind Community-Based Interventions. In C. Köpetz. & A. Fishbach (Eds.), The motivation-cognition interface; from the lab to the real world (pp. 170-195). New York: Routledge.
Kruglanski, A. W., Gelfand, M. J., Bélanger, J.J., Hetiarachchi, M., & Gunaratna, R. (2015). Significance Quest Theory as the Driver of Radicalization towards Terrorism. In Jerard, J. & Nasir, S. M. (Ed.) Resilience and Resolve: Community Engagement to Community Resilience. Imperial College Press.
Kruglanski, A. W., Gelfand, M. J, Bélanger, J.J., Gunaratna, R., Hettiararchchi, M. (2014). Deradicalizing the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE): Some Preliminary Findings. In Silke, A. (Ed.), Prisons, Terrorism and Extremism: Critical Issues in Management, Radicalization and Reform. London: Routledge.
Carbonneau, N., Vallerand, R. J., Bélanger, J.J., & Donahue, E. (2008). Passion, Agressivité et Performance: Le Rôle Modérateur de l’Affirmation de Soi et de la Menace à l’Identité. [Passion, Aggressiveness, and Performance: The Moderating Role of Self-Affirmation and Identity-Threat] In S. Berjot et B. Paty (Eds.), Stress, Santé et Société (vol. 4, pp. 183-211). Reims: Presses Universitaires de Reims.
Kruglanski, A.W., Bélanger, J.J., Gunaratna, R. (2019). The Three Pillars of Radicalization: Need, Network, and Narrative. New York: Oxford University Press.
Bélanger, J.J., **Nociti, N., **Chamberland, P.E., *Paquette, V., Gagnon, D., Mahmoud, A., Carla, L., Lopes M., Eising, C., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2015). Building a Resilient Community within a Multicultural Canada: Information Toolkit on Violent Extremism. Université du Québec à Montréal. (French and English versions freely available online).
Moyano, M., Lobato, R.M., Bélanger, J.J., & Trujillo, H.M. (2021). Preventing and Countering Violent Radicalization: A guide for First-Line Practitioners. Universidad de Córdoba.